Zaal open 1900 uur, aanvang concert 20.00 uur
Ger O’Donnell & Trevor Sexton
Toegang 20 euro in de voorverkoop inclusief 1 euro ticketshop kosten en € 25 euro aan de zaal ( indien nog beschikbare plaatsen)
De Ierse Ger O’Donnell en Trevor Sexton komen weer naar Europa;
Ger O Donnell & Trevor Sexton are two vocal powerhouses whose close harmonies and instrumental styles complement each other beautifully.
With influences spanning Bob Dylan, Bob Marley and Pete Seeger, the work of Trevor Sexton is created with intent, crafting songs through storytelling to give voice to his life experiences. His talent is such that he has enthralled audiences at the Cork Opera House, Vicar Street and the UL Concert Hall.
For Ger O’Donnell, collaboration is his muse as he has garnered a loyal following over the years, sharing the limelight with some of the legends of our time. The music educator, arranger and composer has worked his way from classical flute and fife to rock and strings, reaching the coveted No 1 slot in the Irish charts for his singles ‘Turquoise Ink’ and ‘Talk about the Heroes’.
A duo greater than the sum of its individual parts, their mix of traditional and original material interspersed with sprinklings of witty banter has transfixed audiences throughout the country. Although relatively new to the scene as a duo, 2023 has seen them become a sensation – selling out shows nationwide on the back of their online popularity.
En ja op 19 september zijn ze in Nederland!! Ze treden op in het Ericatheater! Daar is plaats voor 100 personen dus wees er snel bij!! Tickets via
Their playlist is for most part celtic folk music, consisting of: quiet, sing-along songs/evergreens, jigs & reels and a bit louder and faster. They do change gears!
Kortom een avond vol music & craic!!